Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Gender Bias

There is a lot of gender bias that happens within a school.  Whether it is good or bad it is still a bias.When a student first enters school boys and girls are equal.  As the years progress people start to believe that girls receive less attention than boys.  They thing boys are inattentive and disruptive and therefore require more energy.  I don't understand why they can categorize us like that.  I feel as if they cannot judge us by our sex.  Some people are naturally more attentive and pay attention to detail. "Some teachers tend to offer classroom activities that appeal more to boys' interest than to girls' and to use instructional methods that favor boys."  I don't agree because through all my years of school I don't think that they would actually teacher more toward boys.  But what I did see is that the boys were a little more disruptive. Do teachers actually do this on purpose?


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