Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Last Post =)

I feel that education is a broad topic and there is no one answer to anything.  It is based purely upon opinion.  Every teacher has their own way of teaching and every student has their own way of learning.
We have read a few different things through out the semester.  Teaching is a really rewarding job.  There is no issue with anyone's teaching styles.  As long as the majority of your class understands, I believe as a teacher you have done well.  Because you will always have students that does not care.  I enjoyed reading about when a student has certain things going on in their lives, my example that I had used was pregnancy and teens.  Also I enjoyed the last thing we read about with corporal punishment.  I enjoyed the blog because it is our own thoughts we got to read about everyone's opinions.  I hope everyone finishes their semester off well and have a great future which hopefully includes teaching!

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